Postpartum Yoga Bundle

Postpartum Yoga Bundle
Get 3 classes for $28. This bundle includes:
STRETCH (25 minutes)
This 25-minute class focuses all of the parts of you that have become tense from pregnancy and baby holding. Start off with a restorative heart opener. Then move into nice long half pigeon and psoas stretch. This class will leave you feeling spacious in the body and the mind.
Props needed: 2 blocksSTRENGTH (17 minutes)
Bring awareness and healing to your pelvic floor. This class focuses on strengthening the transverse abdominals (the harder-to-access core muscles.) As you move through these core strengtheners, your mind will feel more focused and disciplined.
Props needed: 1 blockSLEEP (13 minutes)
For the days when your body is exhausted but your mind is racing. You will systematically relax your body and clear out any stagnant energy. This class is practiced lying on your back.
Upon purchase, you will receive a PDF via email with a link to the class. Please download it to your computer to save the class link, as the digital download link will expire in 24 hours – but the classes are yours to keep forever.